Friday, October 25, 2013

A twist

I don't want to take him up on it, but I am still floored by the idea. If I'd known that he would have appreciated me this much one day, it would have hurt so much less when it ended. Aqua-eyed Boy from way back opened up.
"I think we should try again."

"What? Where's this coming from?"

"I dated a lot of other girls and no one is as kind as you."

"Well, we understand each other, we've kindof been through a lot."

"I think we would be happy together."

"I'm seeing someone right now. Your timing sucks!"

"Well, think about it."
I longed to hear him say that a million other times and now I don't need to hear it anymore but there it is. Back when we broke up and then when I tried to come to peace with endings I wanted to hear that he missed me, that I was special... to hear it now floors me. It takes away some of the sting from those memories.

MR doesn't want us as a long-term thing and has been very honest and up-front... but I adore him and do not want to see anyone else right now. But that conversation stirred something and soothed it. Thank you, aqua-eyed boy. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Always nice to be appreciated.
    But don't let either of them make you crazy...
